Where does the money go?

Race Fee

The Secret 3K is not a charity or a not-for-profit, we aim to put on a great event that helps to raise awareness and encourages everyone to build safe and inclusive communities where everyone can run freely.  

Our Race Fee helps us to put on this event each year in a sustainable way that is reflective of our values. Each year we commit to contributing the profit from our event ( ⅓ of our race fee) towards charities that we support. We select our charitable organizations looking for groups that are advancing gender equality, access to sport, and education for women and girls in Afghanistan. 

The charitable partners we support include the Marathon of Afghanistan, 30 Birds and 261 Fearless. Learn more about our partners here.

We also use a portion of the race fee to subsidized participation for youth organization and school groups to help more young people have the chance to learn about these important issues.

We are happy to share that historically we have been able to keep our costs low due to the amazing work of our volunteers which has allowed us to donate up to half of our race fee towards our charitable organizations in 2020 and 2021. 

Donations - Choose Your Charity

This year participants will have the choice as to which of our three charities, Afghan Sports Trust, 30 Birds or 261 Fearless you would like to make a donation to when you register for the event.

Will I receive a charitable tax receipt?

The Secret 3K will not be issuing charitable tax receipts rather each individual charity will issue tax receipts when applicable. Please note that not all of our charities have charitable status yet in Canada.

Afghan Sports Trust is registered in the UK and does not currently have Canadian charitable tax status however, participants from the UK may request to receive a tax receipt.

30 Birds is registered in Canada and participants can receive a charitable tax receipt for donations over $20 .

261 Fearless is registered in the USA and does not currently have Canadian charitable tax status however, participants from the USA may request to receive a tax receipt.

What are the costs of the race?

To follow our value of being accessible we aim to keep our costs as low as possible, that said we want the event to also be sustainable which means we want to support our volunteers so they do not burn out. In order to make sure our event is safe we also want to ensure that we follow appropriate local protocols. Costs may include the following:  

  • Banking Fees

  • Shipping

  • City Permits

  • Paramedics

  • PA System

  • Refreshments

  • Website Development

  • Volunteer Training & Support

  • Website Development

  • Social Media Management

  • Communication Software

  • Graphic Design

  • Promotional Materials

  • Printing

Want to learn more about the impact your donations make through our charity partners? Check out our interviews with each of them.