Our Story

it started with one woman…

In many parts of the world women and girls are not able to go for a run outside. When Zainab tried to go for a run in Afghanistan, people threw rocks at her, insulted her and threatened her. They believed that because she was a woman she should not be allowed to run outside. But Zainab had a goal to become the first Afghan woman to complete a marathon in Afghanistan. When she ran, she felt free and she wanted every woman and man in Afghanistan to have that experience. So despite the challenges she faced she trained for the marathon in a small enclosed courtyard not much larger than the average one bedroom apartment, running in loops over and over so she could make a difference. 

an act of courage…

Afghanistan has experienced many wars in the last century. In 2015, in many parts of the country there was still ongoing war. In some parts of the country there were unexploded landmines that made it unsafe to run. Thankfully, the Marathon of Afghanistan was held in the city of Bamiyan where there was no conflict happening at the time and all of the landmines had been removed.

The first year that the Marathon of Afghanistan was held the organizers did not know if any women would participate. They also did not know if the men would still participate if a woman participated. In Afghanistan, all sports are divided by gender so this marathon would be the first time men and women were competing in a sport together side by side. On the day of the race there were three women who participated and 67 men. Despite the marathon going up and down a mountain and being very challenging, Zainab completed the marathon along with two of her friends, one from Canada and one from the UK and she became the first Afghan woman to complete a Marathon in Afghanistan. 

a movement begins…

The Marathon of Afghanistan was held in and around Bamiyan from 2015-2020. It expanded to include a marathon, a 10km race, and a children’s 1km event - It grew from 120 participants in 2015 to 800 participants in 2020 and 40% of these runners were women! Zainab’s leadership has inspired so many people! When many Canadians think about Afghanistan they only think about war, terrorism and poverty but this community in Bamiyan is changing things by making their community known for a marathon and more importantly for gender equality.  

the Secret 3K imagined…

In 2016, while filming the second ever “Marathon of Afghanistan,” Kate McKenzie & Martin Parnell, producers of the film, The Secret Marathon became inspired by the Afghan people and their ability to use the race as a catalyst for change which provided an opportunity for everyone regardless of gender, age or income to run. 

Upon returning to Canada, Kate and Martin discovered that many Canadians don’t always feel safe to run at night or in their specific community. Many citizens in this country feel it is too uncomfortable or even dangerous to run, despite our relative safety. 

Kate and Martin wondered if it would be possible to use the same method used in Afghanistan to create a change globally. What if by hosting safe races we could re-imagine what it would be like to have safe places? Garnering support from Running Room and Canadian Women for Women in Afghanistan, the “Secret Marathon 3K” was born. 

why is it called the Secret 3K?

The route, date and starting locations of the original run, the 2015 Marathon of Afghanistan, had to be kept a secret in order to keep everyone, including the runners, organizers, and supporters, safe. In 2016 when the filmmakers went to Afghanistan, they couldn’t tell anyone that they were making a film, they had to keep it a secret also to help keep everyone safe so they started referring to the Marathon as the “secret” marathon. The route, date and start were changed each year from 2015-2020 to help avoid attack. In addition, many women have to keep their running a secret and have to train in secret to avoid being targeted.

We decided that our event should honour the huge challenges so many women and communities have to face in order to run by calling our event the “Secret 3K”. Our Race Directors keep the route for the 3K a secret to help remind us that there are people everyday who face great risks doing something as simple as running or walking. 

The most powerful secret, and the one we should openly share, is that as individuals and communities we have the ability to come together to end inequality by participating in this great event.

new challenges…

In 2020 with the world facing a global pandemic, the Secret 3K made the decision to become a 100% virtual event. We have hosted a virtual option for the event since the beginning and we have been so encouraged to see our community continue to support this important cause.

In the summer of 2021 our hearts broke for our friends in Afghanistan as the Taliban regained control of Afghanistan. Sadly anyone who was outspoken about gender equality was in immediate danger which included all those who had proudly supported the Marathon of Afghanistan. Many have been able to flee to safety in other countries however, they now face the challenge of resettlement, applying for refugee status and trying to carve out a life for themselves in an unknown country. Others have not been so lucky and are still in Afghanistan in hiding, facing hunger as food shortages and rising costs often make it impossible to find even the most basic necessities. Now more than ever, we must show our support for those who have risked so much for a dream of a world where everyone can run free. The future of the Marathon of Afghanistan remains unknown. It is our hope that by supporting this brave community we can help them to rebuild.

join us!

Join us for The Secret 3K run/walk. Held during the week of International Women's Day, this race celebrates our right to be free to run. We're inviting everyone to come together in solidarity supporting the right all humans should have to walk or run free of fear in their community.

See the film and read the book

The Film: The Secret Marathon

See the story that inspired the creation of the Secret 3K! https://vimeo.com/thesecretmarathon/

When the first Afghan woman stood up for her freedom and ran in the Marathon of Afghanistan, she started a movement for equality that spread around the world. Zainab’s story inspired legendary marathon runner, Martin Parnell, to imagine what his life might be like if his gender prevented him from going outside to run. Martin vowed to run in the Marathon of Afghanistan the following year to support Zainab, and partnered with filmmaker and first time marathoner, Kate McKenzie, to tell the story. To avoid making the marathon a target for terrorist attack, they trained, and traveled to Afghanistan in secret, where they uncovered unexpected beauty, incredible hardships, and the amazing people who stand for change. The Secret Marathon film is the story of the brave Afghan women who are risking it all for the freedom to run. Click here to learn more.

The Book: The Secret Marathon: Empowering Women and Girls in Afghanistan Through Sport

Read the behind the scenes story of the Marathon of Afghanistan which features chapters from characters featured in The Secret Marathon film.

In The Secret Marathon, readers will be transported to a country of beauty, hardship and complexity, sharing in the despair, resilience and friendliness of the Afghan people as they strive for freedom and equality for themselves and their fellow citizens.

To purchase the book and learn more please click here